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Month: October 2018

Andrew Lykens’ journey west ends in tragedy

Story by David Sassaman. Photo by Duane Good. Craig Henninger is fascinated by local history and enjoys presenting it to students of all age. He recently spoke to the Dauphin-Middle Paxton Historical Society  on the topic, “Lykens Valley Massacre: A Local Skirmish in a World War.” Henninger teaches U.S. history ...

Dylin and Delaney

Story and Photos by Shirley Brosius. The Bellis twins differ in tastes and temperaments.  Dylin likes prime rib; Delaney prefers chili or chicken fingers.  Dylin is organized, a Type A personality; Delaney is laid back and goes with the flow.   “In a situation, she can be like really calm,” Dylin ...

Fighting the Blight

By Amy Smith, Editorial Assistant. Most people don’t think about property blight very much – until they are looking at mountains of their neighbor’s trash or the dilapidated building down the street. But municipal authorities deal with the matter regularly, and all Sentinel-area municipalities have ordinances on the books that ...

School merger discussions are now on the table

By Duane Good, editor. ­­­ As reported in the Sentinel, the Millersburg and Upper Dauphin Area school districts are going forward on a ‘‘co-op’’ plan for most of their varsity and several of their middle school sports. Also reported last week was an announcement that both districts are discussing what ...