Sunday, February 9, 2025
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About Us

The Upper Dauphin Sentinel previously published weekly every Tuesday except for Memorial Day, Labor Day and when Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on a Monday. Publication was then moved to Wednesday of the same week.

The Sentinel is located at 510 Union Street, Millersburg, PA.

The newspaper covered news, sports and community events in upper Dauphin, lower Northumberland and western Schuylkill counties. Its coverage area encompassed the communities of five school districts – Halifax, Line Mountain, Millersburg, Upper Dauphin Area and Williams Valley – as well as Dauphin Borough and Middle Paxton Twp.

The Sentinel traces its roots in this region to 1884 and the founding of The Millersburg Sentinel. That newspaper eventually acquired the other community weekly, The Millersburg Herald.

Ben L. Kocher, the publisher, acquired The Millersburg Sentinel in 1970, and a year later purchased two other longstanding papers in northern Dauphin County – The Elizabethville Echo and The Williamstown Times. 

The first issue of The Upper Dauphin Sentinel was published in January 1972.

The paper published its final edition on Tuesday, August 31, 2021 after a 137-year run of providing news coverage, helpful information and insights to the people of the area.