HARRISBURG • State officials, July 1, amended a previous order regarding the wearing of masks in public settings.
The amendments call for mask-wearing under any one of the following circumstances:
• Outside, when it is not possible to ‘‘consistently maintain’’ a six-foot distance from individuals who are not family members.
• In ‘‘any indoor location where members of the public are generally permitted.’’
• Waiting for, riding in or operating any vehicle used in public transport, paratransit or ride-sharing.
• Obtaining services from the healthcare sector in settings included, but not limited to, doctor or dentist offices; medical clinics; laboratories or imaging services; pharmacies; blood banks; or veterinary facilities.
• Working either in a workplace setting or off-site, when interacting in person with any member of the public; working in any space visited by members of the public; working in any space where food is prepared or packaged for sale or distribution; working in or walking through common areas; or in any room or enclosed area where individuals not of a person’s household or residence are present when unable to physically distance.
There also are five exceptions to the above requirements:
• Individuals under two years of age.
• Individuals who have a physical or mental health condition or disability, particularly respiratory issues that impede breathing. (No documentation of such a condition is required.)
• Individuals operating equipment or performing a task (in line with all required health and safety guidelines) that can not be done safely while wearing a mask.
• Individuals physically unable to remove a mask on their own.
• Individuals who must communicate with a hearing-impaired person.
The amended order took effect immediately.