Compiled By Duane Good
Sentinel-area schools are scheduled to reopen in two months – the first time since mid-March that students will be in a physical setting with one another. Until then, district administrators and board members will be focused on opening their buildings in a manner that keeps students and employees alike safe and healthy – and in a way that follows state guidelines. As one superintendent put it, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic ‘‘isn’t going to just disappear’’ once the 2020-21 academic year begins locally during the middle and end of August. Here is where area school districts stand on reopening plans as of the Sentinel’s June 29 press time. All counties within the newspaper’s coverage are in Green, the least restrictive of the three state-imposed phases for business and social practices.
The Millersburg Area School District, including Lenkerville Elementary School (above), is readying for the 2020-21 school year, as are all area schools. (Sentinel photo by Mandi Trawitz)