HEGINS • Gladys E. Maurer, 91, died Jan. 10 at Genesis Schuylkill Center, Pottsville. She was born Jan. 8, 1929, in Barry Twp., a daughter of the late Stanley Yoder and the late Mary Moser Yoder. She was a seamstress in area factories prior to her retirement. She was a member of Barry Salem United Methodist Church, Weishample; and a former member of the Hegins Fire Co. Auxiliary and the Tri- Valley Senior Citizens. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph Maurer; two sisters, Marie Hamburg and Grace Huntzinger; a brother, Charles Yoder and an infant brother. She is survived by a son, Garry Maurer of Lebanon; a daughter, Susan Johns of Hegins; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; a great-great-granddaughter; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Jan. 16 at 11 a.m. at Buffington-Reed Funeral Home, Valley View. There will be no viewing or visitation prior to the service. Burial will be made in Salem Cemetery, Weishample. To sign the online guest book, visit buffingtonreed.com